Building an Intelligent Stock Assistant with pydantic-ai and Groq LLM

Implementation of a type-safe stock price assistant leveraging LLM capabilities and real-time market data

Building an Intelligent Stock Assistant with pydantic-ai and Groq LLM


Project Overview

Developed a financial assistant chatbot that combines LLM capabilities with real-time stock market data. The system processes natural language queries to provide current stock prices and market insights.

Key Features

  • Natural language processing using Groq LLM
  • Real-time stock data integration via yfinance
  • Type-safe data handling with Pydantic models
  • Interactive web interface built with Gradio
  • Custom agent configuration with tool integration

Technical Implementation

The project leverages several key technologies to create a robust and user-friendly stock assistant:

Data Model and Type Safety

from pydantic import BaseModel

class StockPriceResult(BaseModel):
    symbol: str
    price: float
    currency: str = "USD"
    message: str

LLM Agent Configuration

stock_agent = Agent(
    system_prompt="You are a helpful financial assistant specialized in providing stock market information and insights."

Stock Data Integration

import yfinance as yf

def get_stock_price(symbol: str) -> StockPriceResult:
    ticker = yf.Ticker(symbol)
    data =
    return StockPriceResult(
        message=f"Current price for {symbol} is ${data['regularMarketPrice']:.2f}"

Gradio Interface

import gradio as gr

def process_query(user_input: str) -> str:
    result =
    return result.message

interface = gr.Interface(
    inputs=gr.Textbox(label="Ask about any stock"),
    title="Stock Market Assistant",
    description="Get real-time stock information and insights"

Key Achievements

  • Implemented type-safe data handling using Pydantic models
  • Integrated real-time stock market data through yfinance API
  • Created an intuitive chat interface using Gradio
  • Leveraged Groq’s powerful LLM for natural language understanding
  • Developed a modular and extensible architecture

Future Enhancements

  • Add historical price analysis capabilities
  • Implement portfolio tracking features
  • Include market sentiment analysis
  • Expand to multiple financial markets
  • Add technical indicator calculations

The Stock Assistant demonstrates the power of combining modern LLM capabilities with real-time financial data, creating a practical tool for both casual investors and financial professionals.